COP 15, ‘World Leaders’, ‘Major Donors’ and the ‘Missing Billions’

The 20th century satirist, writer, and comedian, Spike Milligan, famously had something to say about everything, but he was particularly concerned about the state of the planet. A sincere enough soul, he was nevertheless prone to making naïve generalisations about a raft of environmental issues. He was inclined, rather quaintly, to repeatedly call upon ‘world…

The Fragmented World of the Mongoose Lemur

The Fragmented World of the Mongoose Lemur is a book about a critically-endangered species; fractured ecosystems; and the global war on nature. It is a compelling story in which author Michael Stephen Clark reveals the fundamental paradox of the mongoose lemur’s natural history. The mongoose lemur Eulemur mongoz is native to NW Madagascar where it…

Mr Attenborough’s Book

Is it possible to feel so overwhelmed by world events that a strange sort of inertia begins to take hold of your mind and body? Prior to the Brexit farrago, the Covid-19 emergency, and war in Ukraine, I wouldn’t have thought such a thing was possible. But not now. There is trouble every day without…

Erin Greengloves and the Spirits of the Glen

An unwelcome visitor appears in Green Glen in the shape of a charming trickster called Elswick Toope. He claims that he can rid the glen of the restless spirits that run wild and free, keeping everyone awake all night, every night. Toope is, however, the kind of person who is friends with everybody but loves…

Poetry? We Have A Machine That Can Do That!

Poets the world over, whether they are accomplished or aspiring, have been sleeping uneasily in their beds following the news that they will soon be made redundant. It was The Guardian that first broke the story on the 21st March 2021 when it presented some newly minted lines from the literary sensation known only as…